Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ramalan Cuaca Politik

-I don't know exactly, but there is always something that is saying to me that Malaysia, as a unified country, cannot stay united. And it feels real, given the fact that the Islamisation that has taken place involves only the Muslim community, and draws minimal participation from the non-Muslim citizen~the minority in their own country. The Islamisation of Malaysian education affects only Muslim students; and these students, with their Islamised minds, think differently, live differently, dream differently from the non-Muslim students, who despite their same age, has different thoughts, ways of living and dreams for the Malaysian future.

-Can these differences be reconciled? It is very hard to say, given the fact that the non-Muslims are mostly Chinese and Indian in ethnicity~and thus, to some extent this divide is not only a religious divide, but also a racial divide, and racial divide is hard to bridge; different cultures, facial attributes and languages emphasize the differences on a daily basis.

-How about the native Borneans, Dayaks, Kadazans, Melanaus and Bajaus? Bajaus tend to embrace Islamisation and Malay-fication, due to their less-than-desirable, purportedly recent, Filipino origin; Melanaus are also welcoming of these two changes, albeit with less enthusiasm, given the religious trinity of Islam-Christianity-Likou that still shapes the Melanau identity, making them, to some extent, more secular, together with their enthusiastic Melanau linguistic conservatism, Melanau language being a symbol of their pure heritage of the land of Sarawak, them being no Malay which is considered, to some extent, a foreign entity. On the other hand, Christianized Dayaks and Kadazans are less enthusiastic about Islamisation and Malay-fication; these are viewed as a silent, subversive, indirect attack on their identity, and of course they are not complaining: the Malays have always been a superior race culturally and politically, with their Srivijaya-Malacca legacy very much alive in the present-day Malaysia, and they are also more numerous, which makes the Malays more dangerous.

-This Malay-Islamisation is going to be a key factor in the shaping of Malaysian society. That's all, I am not jumping to any radical conclusion or suggestion.

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