"Berpeganglah kamu kepada Tali Allah dan janganlah kamu berpecah-belah..."
Ayat ini menjadi punca mengapa umat Islam tidak mempunyai kebolehan untuk menangani perbezaan politik, dan mengapa demokrasi sukar dicapai di negara-negara Islam.
-Seseorang yang telah mempelajari Sirah Rasul, dan telah mengkaji maksud dan penuturan Kitab Quran harus mengerti bahawa peribadi Muhammad Rasul pembawa agama Islam, sifat agama Islam sebagai agama yang kamil, dan juga peristiwa-peristiwa yang membentuk sifat beragama agama yang dipanggil Islam, adalah bersifat politik dalam banyak segi. Sekiranya dipandang semua kejadian-kejadian yang berlaku di antara umat Islam Madinah dan golongan yang memerangi dan diperanginya dari kaca mata yang tidak dipengaruhi oleh akidah Islam, maka akan dapat dilihat bahawa politik Rasul merupakan sesuatu yang bergerak demi kesinambungan agama; Rasul memerangi golongan Yahudi yang dilihat mengancam kesinambungan daulat politik Islamiyah, dan menghukum mereka dengan hukuman buang negeri dan hukuman bunuh secara kolektif. Semua ini untuk membina sebuah negara yang dipanggil Madinah al-Munawwarah; negara yang tidak boleh mempunyai golongan yang menentang kepimpinan Nabi; Nabi memerintah secara autokratik dengan mandat ketuhanan dan kerasulan. Di dalam keadaan ini, sesiapa yang dilihat menentang Nabi dan pemerintahan Madinah, diujarkan sebagai munafik. Munafik hukumnya bukan Islam, kalaupun mereka secara lahiriahnya dan teologikalnya mengakui ketauhidan Allah.
Kewujudan istilah munafik ini menjadikan politik Islam bercelaru, kerana sesetengah daripada pemikir dan politikus yang menggerakkan politik umat Islam menggunakan istilah ini untuk mentakfirkan orang-orang yang melawan mereka. Di Mesir perkara ini sedang terjadi; bagi umat Islam, munafik boleh dibunuh, dan mereka saling memunafikkan antara satu sama lain; justeru timbul satu keadaan di mana masyarakat am jatuh ke dalam situasi huru-hara dek kerana polarisasi masyarakat yang berpunca dari salahguna agama dan pemahaman pemerintahan negara yang 'Islamik' yang tidak memberi ruang untuk perbezaan politik. Politik dan agama tidak dipisahkan; berlainan fahaman politik bererti berlainan agama, dan yang berlainan agama dihukum munafik, yang bisa dibunuh begitu sahaja.
-Ketika Mursi berkuasa, Mursi mencuba untuk menggerakkan kembali Mesir mengikut aduan dan acuan Ikhwanul Muslimin. Hal ini tidak disukai oleh golongan tertentu dalam masyarakat; acuan Ikhwanul Muslimin dianggap konservatif, tidak pragmatik dan tidak praktikal. Harus diingat juga bahawa Mursi berhadapan dengan birokrasi era Mubarak; birokrasi yang sepanjang umurnya (80 tahun) telah berhadapan dengan Ikhwanul Muslimin sebagai 'musuh negara.' Di sini timbul keperluan untuk membina hubungan dan jambatan antara Ikhwan dengan birokrasi; namun Ikhwan dan birokrasi gagal membina hubungan berkenaan kerana tiada persefahaman dan kompromi di antara mereka.
-Saya mengira bahawa Ikhwan terlalu naif dalam percaturan politik. Politik memaksa anda menipu demi kemaslahatan rakyat; Ikhwan gagal mengerti bahawa politik memerlukan anda untuk berkompromi dengan rakyat. Kerana itu mereka telah dijatuhkan, dan tiada konsensus bersimpati dengan mereka melainkan dari penyokong setia Ikhwan, yang berjumlah ramai dan kuat bersuara; Ikhwan adalah sebuah gerakan yang sudah berusia, dan usia menjadikan Ikhwan ramai ahli dan ampuh dalam berorganisasi. Namun mereka masih naif dalam berpolitik.
-Bagaimana pula dengan tentera? Tentera Mesir punya sejarah melawan Ikhwan yang berlarutan panjangnya. Semenjak zaman Nasser tentera Mesir sudah melawan Ikhwan, maka tidak hairanlah andainya tentera Mesir bertindak kasar dan keras serta kejam menentang Ikhwan; permusuhan antara Ikhwan dan tentera amatlah dalam dan banyak berparut. Tidak ramai yang ingat yang dahulunya Ikhwan pernah menggunakan taktik menggunakan kekerasan; Ikhwan banyak mengebom tentera Mesir dalam perjuangannya. Itu sejarah lama.
-Sebenarnya, saya sudah tidak faham apa yang berlaku. Revolusi sudah menjadi perang antara Ikhwan dan askar; kedua-duanya bukan mereka yang mendokong semangat asal revolusi.
Between me, the God and the Devil, there's only one reality, without goals or volition.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Life Ain't For Living
-I've been watching certain videos on Youtube. It's on MEMRI TV, which is known as a Zionist propaganda tool; 'propaganda is a lie even if you tell the truth,' hence I shall dismiss those videos as anti-Islam propaganda.
-And yet it is true; it is true that violence and oppression have been done repeatedly in the name of Islam, Allah and Muhammad, and the perpetrators have been consistently using Quran and Hadith to justify their actions; torture, murder, misogyny, badmouthing. And it is true that those who have been speaking out against this violent interpretations have been made to shut up in whatever way they can; in fact it is so bad that nobody speaks out anymore; you can't even begin to doubt and question the smallest things, because you are afraid that they will label you as an apostate, to be killed without the slightest mercy, for "do not let your mercy take hold of you in delivering Allah's Hudud."
-Quran has this whole side to it that, read in certain way, paves an easy way, an easy justification for ruthless violence; it is very easy to read Quran as a book of violence, a book that perpetuates war; anyone can do that and totally not feeling guilty about it.
-I am not sure anymore about how we can read Quran the best. "Obey Allah and Muhammad,""Don't raise your voice above that of Prophet's"; how does one do that? Is there a valid, legitimate representation of God that one has to listen to; some sort of jurisdiction that one has to be adhere; and does this jurisdiction holds validity that is perpetual even to this day?
-God declared war in At-Taubah against 'kuffar;' there's no declaration of peace after that declaration of war; just an ultimatum against the people, to 'stop' or to be killed. What does this 'kuffar' means? And stop doing what? Waging war against Muslims? Stop evil? Or stop being non-Muslims?
-I don't know anymore; perhaps the best way, the most realistic way of reading the Quran is to accept that it is a book that belongs in another age; perhaps Muhammad is just another human; "Muhammad is just another Rasul..." is Rasul as great a title as we perceive it to be? If you read Holy Bible, you would find out that those who Muslims believe to be Rusul are not infallible; Abraham and Lot were both incestuous, Moses committed genocide and murder, David stole another person's wife (and perhaps may even actually be a bisexual), Solomon was a polytheist, Job questioned God's way of doing things...but of course Holy Bible is to Muslims, just a book, altered and edited, 'no longer a Holy Book.'
-Who knows, perhaps Muhammad may not even be infallible; maybe Quran is just another book, written and uttered by a man, in the language of a man....and thus is not necessarily true. Who knows, perhaps Quran ain't the Word of God...perhaps that God never existed in the first place.
-Who knows?
-And yet it is true; it is true that violence and oppression have been done repeatedly in the name of Islam, Allah and Muhammad, and the perpetrators have been consistently using Quran and Hadith to justify their actions; torture, murder, misogyny, badmouthing. And it is true that those who have been speaking out against this violent interpretations have been made to shut up in whatever way they can; in fact it is so bad that nobody speaks out anymore; you can't even begin to doubt and question the smallest things, because you are afraid that they will label you as an apostate, to be killed without the slightest mercy, for "do not let your mercy take hold of you in delivering Allah's Hudud."
-Quran has this whole side to it that, read in certain way, paves an easy way, an easy justification for ruthless violence; it is very easy to read Quran as a book of violence, a book that perpetuates war; anyone can do that and totally not feeling guilty about it.
-I am not sure anymore about how we can read Quran the best. "Obey Allah and Muhammad,""Don't raise your voice above that of Prophet's"; how does one do that? Is there a valid, legitimate representation of God that one has to listen to; some sort of jurisdiction that one has to be adhere; and does this jurisdiction holds validity that is perpetual even to this day?
-God declared war in At-Taubah against 'kuffar;' there's no declaration of peace after that declaration of war; just an ultimatum against the people, to 'stop' or to be killed. What does this 'kuffar' means? And stop doing what? Waging war against Muslims? Stop evil? Or stop being non-Muslims?
-I don't know anymore; perhaps the best way, the most realistic way of reading the Quran is to accept that it is a book that belongs in another age; perhaps Muhammad is just another human; "Muhammad is just another Rasul..." is Rasul as great a title as we perceive it to be? If you read Holy Bible, you would find out that those who Muslims believe to be Rusul are not infallible; Abraham and Lot were both incestuous, Moses committed genocide and murder, David stole another person's wife (and perhaps may even actually be a bisexual), Solomon was a polytheist, Job questioned God's way of doing things...but of course Holy Bible is to Muslims, just a book, altered and edited, 'no longer a Holy Book.'
-Who knows, perhaps Muhammad may not even be infallible; maybe Quran is just another book, written and uttered by a man, in the language of a man....and thus is not necessarily true. Who knows, perhaps Quran ain't the Word of God...perhaps that God never existed in the first place.
-Who knows?
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