-Kadang-kala dalam hidup, terutamanya dalam keadaan kita panas dan giat berjuang mempertahankan pendirian dan prinsip hidup kita sendiri, kita terlupa akan hakikat bahawa kewujudan kita, kerana bermulanya dari ketidakwujudan, akan berakhir dengan ketidakwujudan.
-Kalaupun kita tidak melupai hakikat fananya hayat di dunia karma ini sekalipun, kita jarang sekali boleh menginsafi bahawa dharma hidup, hukum realiti di dunia ini selalunya berakhir dengan pedih derita dan penyakit.
-Tatkala kita hidup Mati menjenguk tanpa ada tanda-tandanya. Tidak semestinya kita yang mati; tidak semestinya Mati menyedarkan kita tentang hukum alam yang tertakluk kepada kita manusia. Apabila kita melihat orang lain berjumpa dengan Mati kita melihat itu seolah-olah suatu fenomena yang tidak terpakai kepada kita. Kita tidak menjadi sedih dengan adanya Mati; kita tidak merasa apa-apa tentangnya. Seolah-olah Mati itu sekadar kita menghembus udara keluar dari peparu; kita tidak sedar sama sekali.
-Tapi andai kata sesuatu atau seseorang yang kita sayang hilang lenyap dari mata, itukah apa yang kita rasakan? Ketidakpedulian? Ketidakberperasaan? Sahabat yang hilang lenyap dari mata; air mata yang berlinang di pipi; itukah namanya kesengsaraan pengakhiran? Dan kesakitan itu kita bius dengan api kemarahan terhadap hidup; mengapa harus begini? INI TIDAK ADIL! Dalam hati kita menjerit kepada Tuhan seolah-olah benar Tuhan itu wujud, dan seolah-olah benar bahawa Tuhan itu Penggerak segala-galanya di alam semesta.
-Namun hakikatnya, manusia...tidak, barangkali hanya aku seorang sahaja...dalam hidup harus terus bergerak, maka luka pun disembuhkan, parut lama dikambus, kesakitan dibius. Lalu kewujudan menjadi seperti sedia kala; bosan dan tidak punya pengertian apa-apa, melainkan sebagai perjuangan bagi seorang yang memperjuangkan hidupnya dalam siratan kepercayaannya; perjuangan itu dadah yang menutup kezaliman hakikat dunia yang fana. Maka semua orang pun mahu mempercayai sesuatu, dan mahu menjadi hero yang mempertahankan kepercayaannya; PERTAHANKAN KALIMAH ALLAH! PERTAHANKAN MELAYU! PERTAHANKAN NEGARA! KEBEBASAN BERSUARA! JATUHKAN BN! JATUHKAN KEZALIMAN! HIDUP RAKYAT! HIDUP PROLETARIAT! HIDUP REVOLUSI!...Ini semua dadah. Semua slogan ini kosong dan tidak bermaksud apa-apa melainkan sekadar sebagai balutan menutup luka takut kekosongan di hati.
-Mungkin hanya aku seorang sahaja begini. Aku tidak tahu sama ada orang lain berfikiran sama; apa kaitan antara HIDUP MELAYU dengan tiupan sangkakala Israfil? Aneh sungguh berfikiran tentang hidup mati; kedua-duanya tidak berpisah sama-sekali, namun terasa begitu kontras sekali sehingga sukar memikirkan bahawa hidup dan mati adalah satu. Tapi hidup dan mati memang adalah satu; manusia hidup mesti mati.
-Alam sains fizika ada yang meragui dikotomi hidup mati sebegini; tiada yang betul-betul hidup; segala-galanya fenomena material semata-mata, justeru tiada jiwa yang sedar; tanpa jiwa tiada istilah 'berpisah roh dari jasad.' Tapi perpisahan tetap terjadi, dengan atau tanpa jiwa; aduhai dunia.
Between me, the God and the Devil, there's only one reality, without goals or volition.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
The Future Separation
-If you ask me, the possibility of Malaysia splitting up into two countries in 20 year's time is very possible. The reason would be the divergence between the mindset of the people, and it will be racially and religiously lined. The split would led to the formation of (at least) one secular republic and (at least) one Islamic Malay sultanate (or Islamic republic) It is likely that the secular republic will be situated in the present state of Sarawak; there is a slim chance it might include Penang and/or Selangor as well, but I do not think it is likely that this Republic of Sarawak shall be joined by any other parts of the present Malaysia, except perhaps Labuan and West Sabah. I cannot tell whether Sabah would be a part of the new secular republic or not due to the Bajau-Sulu population; it is most likely that Bajau-Sulu part would split from the Kadazan-Murut part, leaving the Bruneian Malays and Kedayans with no options except to retreat to Labuan or perhaps Sipitang-Beaufort. The split would come at a heavy cost; there shall be a racial conflict between the Malays and Chinese which may result in Chinese exodus, either to Sarawak or other countries. Sarawakian Malay and Melanau run a risk of losing their homeland if the split results in religious purge; there is no telling whether Ibans would be swept with religious fervor or not when the country divides itself; but the risk is fairly low due to relative lack of religiosity among the Sarawakians as compared with other parts of Malaysia, and also due to the fact that Ibans are mostly Catholics, which has tempered down a lot of its violence and bigotry since the Middle Ages. There is a risk that the Peninsular Malaysia be divided into a North-South divide, due to the differing culture and world view; the South Peninsular is fairly more cosmopolitan in nature as opposed to the more conservative, Islamist north. Penang shall be an independent island, but perhaps losing Seberang Perai; it might end up joining Singapore or not. There is no telling whether these would happen; it is all just hypothetical.
But it is very possible, if the people keeps on dividing themselves along the lines of race and religion; if the government keeps on to their outdated Malay nationalism ideology and does not embrace the zeitgeist, and if there continues to be resistance from certain sectors of society that opposes the change of time. Malaysia needs to change, or the future is grim. But change is hard; might as well split up.
But it is very possible, if the people keeps on dividing themselves along the lines of race and religion; if the government keeps on to their outdated Malay nationalism ideology and does not embrace the zeitgeist, and if there continues to be resistance from certain sectors of society that opposes the change of time. Malaysia needs to change, or the future is grim. But change is hard; might as well split up.
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